- rotor blade angle
- угол установки [шаг] лопасти несущего винта
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
blade angle — noun : the angle between the chord of a propeller or rotor blade and a plane normal to the axis of rotation, its value varying along the span and decreasing from root to tip because of blade twist * * * blade angle, the acute angle between the… … Useful english dictionary
blade angle — i. The angle the face of the propeller blade makes at any particular place with its plane of rotation. It is also the angle subtended by the chord of the propeller blade with the horizontal plane when the propeller is laid flat on its boss on… … Aviation dictionary
blade flapping — The vertical movement of a helicopter rotor blade about a horizontal or flapping hinge, in which the blades tend to rise and descend with respect to the rotor hub as they rotate. Blade flapping tends to minimize asymmetrical lift by increasing… … Aviation dictionary
blade twist — i. The undesirable variation in pitch from root to tip caused by aerodynamic loading. ii. The twist built into a propeller or rotor blade. In the case of a propeller, it is to ensure that the pitch angle at the root is greater than the tip. In… … Aviation dictionary
blade stall — As it refers to rotorcraft, it is the condition of the retreating rotor blade when in forward flight and when operating at an angle of attack greater than the maximum angle of lift. This occurs at high forward speeds and when settling with power … Aviation dictionary
blade area — The total area of all rotor blades in a helicopter rotor system. Blade area is a constant value for each helicopter. Blade angle = area of blades A, B, and C … Aviation dictionary
blade pitch angle — The angle between the chord of the blade and the reference line on the rotor hub … Aviation dictionary
blade droop — The angle between the spanwise axis of rotor blades and the plane of rotation of the blades perpendicular to the rotor shaft when the rotor blades are not rotating and only forces of gravity are acting on it … Aviation dictionary
Helicopter rotor — This article is about helicopter main rotor systems. For antitorque control, see tail rotor. Helicopter rotor The rotor head of a Sikorsky S 92 A helicopter main rotor or rotor system is a type of fan that is used to generate both the aerodynamic … Wikipedia
Retreating blade stall — is a hazardous flight condition in helicopters and other rotary wing aircraft, where the rotor blade rotating away from the direction of flight stalls. The stall is due to low relative airspeed and/or excessive angle of attack (or AOA).… … Wikipedia
lag angle — The angle by which a rotor blade is displaced about its drag hinge. The angle is measured between the blade span axis and a radial line taken across the rotor disc containing the drag hinge and the axis of rotation … Aviation dictionary